The Pediatric Smell Wheel™ | SPIN-001


The Pediatric Smell Wheel™ is an attractive game-like test for evaluating olfaction in children.

Minimum Order = 10 tests
(10 x $24.95 = $249.50)


The Pediatric Smell Wheel™ is an attractive game-like test for evaluating olfaction in children. A rotating cardboard disk exposes one of 11 odors at a time for sampling. Multiple-choice alternatives use both words and pictures. When the disk is completely rotated, the child’s answers appear as dark dots in a series of holes in the jacket. The number of marks signify the test score. Can be used as an educational game as well as a smell test. Ideal for classroom education settings. See Cameron & Doty (2012) Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 77:346-350; Yilmaz et al. (2019) Ibid., 123: 43-46.


Instructional Video:

Additional information

Weight 0.11 oz
Dimensions 8.375 × 8.375 × 0.09375 in

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