Self-Administered Computerized Olfactory Testing System™ (SCOTS®)


This state-of-the-art computerized olfactometer (SCOTS®) allows for self-administered threshold and identification testing.


Computer-guided smell threshold and identification test. Self-Administered Computerized Olfactory Testing System™ (SCOTS®) for industrial, research, and clinical applications. Patented technology, easily saves and exports data for analysis and backup. Possible to vary stimulus delivery times, inter-trial intervals, number of reversals, random or semi-random orders, starting points, feedback/no feedback settings, etc. The finest psychophysical test on the market. See Jiang & Liang (2015) Am. J. Rrhinol. Allergy 29 (2): e55-58.

Paper domes, used for sanitation purposes, are available for purchase. Please see Paper Dome Covers product listing.

Additional information

Weight 76.1 oz
Dimensions 16.75 × 24.25 × 25 in