Sensonics International

Foreign orders are shipped by UPS International – a phone number is required for delivery.

  • Within Canada and Mexico: 25% shipping and handling, minimum $15.
  • Within Western Europe and South America: 30% shipping and handling, minimum $20.
  • Within Eastern Europe, Africa, Australia, Japan and the Far East: 30% shipping and handling, minimum $25.
  • Within the United States: 8% shipping and handling, there is a minimum shipping charge of $5.00 in the Eastern United States and $10 in the Western United States.
  • International bank fees should not be deducted from payment.

Payment on orders outside of the USA must be made prior to shipping. Only checks, international money orders, major credit cards, or wire transfers made out in US currency (dollars) will be accepted as payment. Checks must have appropriate US bank numbers, or they will be returned. In summary:

  1. Payment can be made via check drawn on a US bank affiliated with a foreign bank.
  2. Payment can be made via a wire transfer from a foreign bank to our incoming wire bank account. Hours of operation: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time on business days, Monday – Friday. Telephone number 1-800-922-9999. IF YOU USE THIS METHOD OF PAYMENT, PLEASE FAX A NOTIFICATION TO OUR OFFICE AT 856-547-5665 AT THE TIME OF WIRE TRANSFER TO ENSURE PROPER CREDIT OF YOUR ACCOUNT.
  3. Payment can be made via AMERICAN EXPRESS, VISA, DISCOVER OR MASTERCARD. Be certain to indicate the type of card, correct card number, verification number (three-digit code found on the back of your card, following the last four digits of the credit card number), date of card expiration, and exact spelling of the name on the card. Note: the American Express four-digit card verification code can be found on the front of the card.
  4. Payment can be made via an international money order made in US dollars.